Creating an Advantage in Roulette Play

The Impact of Dealer Change

Advantage roulette players frequently overlook the dealer change at the table. Let’s discuss how a change in the dealer can influence the prediction accuracy of an advantage player.

Suppose a dealer spins the ball for 12 rotations. The advantage player waits for the ball to reach a specific speed, identifies it, determines the number of rotations the ball will make after this point, and calculates how many pockets the rotor will move in the remaining time. The player then places their chips around the numbers where they anticipate the ball will stop. If the player places six chips to cover six pockets, they don’t necessarily need to win every time to gain an advantage, just better than one out of every six times.

Now imagine a new dealer comes in, who spins the ball mostly for 20 rotations. How does this impact the advantage player? From the perspective of the number of ball rotations, it doesn’t matter, as the player is waiting for the ball to decelerate to a particular speed before making a prediction anyway.

Theoretically, the difference in the number of ball rotations shouldn’t matter. Thermodynamically, a longer spin might slightly heat the ball, causing minor alterations. On shorter spins, the ball might not stabilize due to backspin. However, such changes would only affect the result if there were significant variations in the number of ball rotations from spin to spin. For example, if the dealer spins the ball for 20-25 rotations and the player predicts in the 6th rotation before the ball drops, these effects wouldn’t matter. The spins are lengthy enough for the ball to stabilize.

The video I’ve created discusses a frequently overlooked but essential aspect related to dealer changes.