Roulette dealers signature is the simplest and probably the oldest kind of roulette advantage play. Such method is suitable for many roulette tables, where is a need to place earlier bets; as rapid roulette and some online live roulette wheels. The two-stage roulette dealers signature timer is a must for anyone seriously placing bets based on dealer’s signature and spins consistency. To bring it up to the higher level of play there is nothing new about it. Members at Roulette place forum always spot the problems, come up with ideas and find better solutions. I will only briefly explain what the roulette dealers signature is. It could make it better for whoever uses the dealer signature in casinos.

Dealer signature is an unconscious habit by some roulette dealers consistently spinning the ball and wheel. Let’s say the dealer starts the ball from number 0, and the ball stops at number 34. It is about ¼ or 9 pockets of the wheel forward. Then let’s say the dealer developed muscle memory and spun the ball with the same velocity each time. We can expect the ball stops nine pockets again from the number where he starts. Of course, the ball doesn’t have to end there every spin, but it’s O.K. if it is better than 1 in 36 occurrences.

Roulette wheel imperfections help dealer signature players

In some countries, where the dealers get tips, often they may move the wheel slow and spin the ball at a reasonably constant speed. It favours dealer signature players. It’s beneficial to have slower wheel speeds but more importantly wheel imperfections. A typical roulette wheel often may have a dominant ball drop point involving one or 2 diamonds that may help if the ball makes plus or minus ¾ of rotation. Such conditions we define as a tilted roulette wheel. The truth is the wheel doesn’t have to be at any angle, but the characteristics of the wheel are similar as it would be if it has a small degree of tilt.

Dominant diamond drop

If the wheel has four vertical diamonds at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock from your view. Because of imperfections, the ball may mostly drop at the diamond at place 12 o’clock and occasionally at 9 o’clock, but very rarely at diamonds 3 and 6. It means that diamond 12 groups a broader range of ball speeds, so even if the ball slightly deviates in velocity it still ends at the same place. If the ball passes the diamond D12 and not dropping at DD3, and DD6, it would travel all the way to the D9. It is ¾ or 27 pockets rotations longer. At the same time, the rotor moves about nine pockets in the opposite direction. For that reason, the numbers which were at 12 o’clock come closer to the diamond at 9 o’clock, and when the ball falls there, it would be in the same area.

When the rotor is very slow, and the wheel exhibits dominant drop points, even if the dealer spins 1-2 full rotations longer spin results may not deviate much. For that reason, we would be far better off if we know the spin length in time than the number of rotations. It is essential, but I will come back to it later.

Understanding the Value of Roulette Dealer Signature

For individuals who are new to roulette, the importance of dealer signature might not be immediately apparent, especially when roulette computers are also in play. Isn’t the computer more accurate? If it is, why not solely rely on it? The truth is, while the computer is indeed more accurate, and we do use it, the dealer’s signature can also play a vital role. Players may encounter wheels with a fairly consistent distribution of ball jumps and dealers who spin the rotor slowly and with consistent speed. Using a dealer signature might be less accurate than a roulette computer, but what if the ‘no more bets’ call is made too early and there isn’t enough time to accurately measure the rotor and ball speed? Our roulette computers, especially the FFZ and FFV models, offer a variety of tools that professional roulette players can use in different situations.

Challenges with Roulette Dealer Signature

Casino dealer at the roulette table

I will exclude those instances where individuals lack understanding or commit errors, such as failing to distinguish between different ball directions, a surprisingly common occurrence in casinos. I will assume that, like most of our members, you possess a good measure of common sense. Hence, I will focus on the most prevalent challenges. When you are engrossed in playing and placing bets, you may not have the time to count ball rotations. Perhaps after placing your chips, you can roughly estimate the rotor and ball speed. But for the untrained eye, spins may appear similar. What happens if the dealer, instead of spinning the wheel at the usual nine pockets per second, spins it at ten pockets per second? If the ball is in play for 15 seconds, this variation could make a difference of (10-9) x 15 = 15 pockets. Consequently, the ball would almost end up on the opposite side from the numbers you had predicted.

Extended Spin

Perhaps the casino dealer imparts a bit more force on the ball, causing it to travel for 17 seconds instead of 15. This two-second difference, even if the ball drops at the same diamond, could result in a deviation of 2 x 9p/s = 18 pockets. Tracking the dealer and believing that Mr John, for instance, will always spin from number 0 to number 34 on a given wheel, is erroneous. Dealers who exhibit consistency in their spins may still vary their initial velocities from time to time. Mr John’s subsequent spin on the same wheel might land between 0 and 10, a nine-pocket difference from his previous spins. The reason for this variance could be the dealer’s technique or changes in the wheel’s parameters. To better understand these effects, refer to the previous article titled “Roulette Dealer Change and Advantage Play”, which illustrates how much spin length can be affected by something as subtle as the dealer applying hand cream.

Introducing a New Two-Stage Timer for Our Roulette Swiss Knife

In response to the challenges of dealer variability, we have designed a tool that neutralizes the factor of who the dealer is – the Dealer Signature Timer. This is a two-stage timer designed to provide players with greater control over their game strategy.

The first stage of the timer involves monitoring the spin duration. The player sets this duration based on the expected time for the ball to spin. This duration is for monitoring purposes and does not need to be extremely accurate – only close enough. Let’s say the player sets it to 18 seconds. When the dealer spins the ball, the player starts the timer. For each of the last 5 seconds, the timer gives a signal to the player. After 18 – 3 = 15 seconds, the system alerts the player that it’s time for the ball to drop. This is an estimated adjustment; let’s assume that the ball in a few spins drops 3 seconds earlier than the set 18 seconds (around two signals). The player can readjust the timer to 15 seconds. Now, the player can monitor if the dealer’s spins are consistent. For example, over the next 30 minutes, the player gets rapid signals, and the ball mostly drops right after they end.

The second stage of the timer follows the rapid signals. In this instance, there would be a signal every 15/3 = 5 seconds. The player assesses the rotor movement between signals. Let’s say for the past 15 spins, the rotor mostly moves one full rotation and five pockets in 5 seconds. But now, it moves a full rotation and just one pocket. This is a difference of -4 pockets over 5 seconds, which suggests that for the duration of the spin (15 seconds), the rotor will move -4 x 3 = -12 pockets compared to previous spins. After verifying this with a few more observations, the player can start placing bets 12 pockets earlier. For more details, please check out an excellent article in the Roulette Place Forum titled “Evolution of roulette advantage play“.

Unleash Your Creativity as a Roulette Player

Creative individuals will naturally identify various ways and opportunities to maximize their advantage, but I still find it essential to illustrate another scenario.

Consider a new dealer with consistent spins of around 12 seconds. As previously stated, with our timer, we can play any dealer without the need to track their individual patterns. We might start noticing if this dealer’s spins mostly end three signals before the rapid signals, and shift bets by the time difference of 3 seconds times the rotor’s movement per second. If, for instance, the rotor makes one rotation and ten pockets, that’s five more pockets. We can shift the observation from the starting point by 3 x 5 = 15 pockets…and so on.

We could adjust the stage 1 timer to 12 seconds, but remember that this will change the rotor time (stage 2) from 5 seconds to 4 seconds. To play based on the previous rotor speed, we’d anticipate the rotor to move (37 + 5) * (4/5) = ~34 pockets (not 37 + 5 as with a 5-second duration). Now, when we observe rotor movement between signals, we anticipate it to be 34 pockets due to the 1 second shorter duration.

In Summary: The Timer for Roulette Dealer Signature

This timer represents a fresh approach to addressing the challenges associated with roulette dealer signature play. Our development team often discusses and enhances solutions like this. For instance, the first stage’s one-second signals could be removed until the final few seconds before the timer runs out. Evidently, the timer is not intended to predict results, but rather to control the game and indicate necessary adjustments. This style of play is ideal for many roulette tables where earlier bets are needed, such as rapid roulette and some online live roulette wheels. The two-stage roulette dealer signature timer is an essential tool for anyone seriously betting based on a dealer’s signature and spin consistency.